SYMARMA: A dynamic model for temporal data on conditional symmetric distribution


Copyright © 2016 elliptical.ts and influence.ts Francisco José A. Cysneiros and Vinicius  Q.S. Maior




A library of   R functions (and data) for analysis in time series data under  conditional symmetrical distributions by Francisco José A. Cysneiros  and Vinicius Q.S. Maior


This library is free software for academic use; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under permissions of the authors and under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Please send any comments, suggestions or errors reported to F.J.A. Cysneiros.



R library contains elliptical.ts and influence.ts codes. They can be obtained from here. Instructions how to install the library are given here.

scrição: Descrição: Descrição: C:\Users\cysneiros\Desktop\blackbullet.gifelliptical.ts v.2.0

   influence.ts v.1.0

SYMARMA: A new dynamic model for temporal data under conditional symmetric distribution

Details of the theorical are given in:

Maior, Vinicius Quintas Souto. (PostScript)
Master dissertation, 02/2012, DE-UFPE,


Doctor thesis, 02/2016, , DE-UFPE,


Maior, V.Q.S and Cysneiros, F.J.A. (2016) SYMARMA: A new dynamic model for temporal data on conditional symmetric distribution. Statistical papers , (under review)





The library also contains some data sets. All of the major functions and the data sets are fully documented with help files. The reference below should be cited, when the library ellipticalhet had been used.

Where to download the library

Please click on the appropriate link for the section and version you require.
scri��o: Descri��o: Descri��o: C:\Users\cysneiros\Desktop\blackbullet.gif  R  written in R 2.13.0



How to install the library

The single library sections are zip files. Expand the archives and follow then the instructions in the INSTALL file to complete the installation of the library. If all library sections are to be installed, it is best to create a main directory elliptical which will contain the library sections. Copy the Zip files to the corresponding directories before unpacking them.

You should then follow the instructions above for each library section. The README file for the whole library. Save it in the main directory ELLIPTICALTS. Once this is done, and once inside S-PLUS or R in your usual working directory, the functions and data are accessed by typing  command “source”


         One example is used to explain library and can  script in R and dataset can be founded here.

We consider the time series of excess return in the daily closing prices on Microsoft and the S&P 500 index. The S&P 500 was taken as the market price. This series consists of n=109 observations from April 1, 2002 to September 5, 2002. The Microsoft's excess returns (Y_t) and the excess market return (X_t) were defined as      Y_t = r_t - r_{ft} and X_t = r_{mt} - r_{ft} where r_t is the return.


The return is defined as r_t = (p_t - p_{t-1})/p_{t-1} where p_t is the price of an asset at time t of Microsoft over a holding period t, r_{ft} is the risk-free return over the t-th period evaluated by T-bill rates. The T-bill rates were divided by 100 to convert from a percentage and then by 253 to convert to a daily rate and r_{mt} is the market return measured by S&P 500 index.


Fitted Model AR(1) under symmetrical distribution


Y_t = \beta X_{t} + \phi\{Y_{t-12} - \beta X_{t-12}\} + r_t,

t = 13,...,109.


A brief description of the complete dataset can be found in Ruppert (2004, p.239). Ruppert, D. (2004) Statistics and Finance. New York: Springer.




DE        UFPE

      Last updated on January 15, 2016 (under constructed)