Published Papers

  1. R. Cassia-Moura ; C. Sousa,  ; A. D. Ramos; L. Coelho ; M. Valença . Yet another application of the Monte Carlo method for modeling in the field of biomedicine. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, v. 78, p. 223-235, 2005.

  2. R. Cassia-Moura ; A. D. Ramos ; C. S. Sousa ; T. A. S. Nascimento ; M. M. Valença ; L. C. B. B. Coelho; Sílvio B. Melo . Diagnosing osteoporosis: A new perspective on estimating bone density. Physica. A, v. 381, p. 273/-284, 2007.

  3. A. D. Ramos ; A. Toom . An error correction. Letter to the editor. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 131, p. 167/1-168, 2008. 

  4.  A. D. Ramos ; A. Toom . Chaos and Monte Carlo Approximations of the Flip-Annihilation process. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 133, p. 761-771, 2008. 

  5. A. D. Ramos ; A. Toom . Non-ergodicity and growth are compatible for 1-D local interaction. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, v. 24, p. 400-412, 2010.

  6. A. Ramos and A. Toom. Trajectories in random monads.Journal of Statistical Physics, 2011, v. 142, 201-219.

  7. A. Ramos and A. Toom. Phase Transitions in the dynamics of slow random monads.Journal of Statistical Physics, 2011, v. 145, 1324-1342.

  8. A. Ramos and A. Toom. Moments and Distributions of Trajectories in slow Random Monads. Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012, v. 147, 623-633.

  9. L. H. Santana, A. Ramos and A. Toom. Eroders on a plane with three states at a point. Part I: deterministic. Journal of Statistical Physics, 2015, v. 159, pp. 1175-1195.                                                 
  10. A. Ramos and A. Leite. Convergence tme and Phase Transition in a Non-monotonic Family of Probabilistic Cellular Automata. Journal of Statistical Physics, 2017, v. 168, pp. 573-594.               
  11. A. Ramos, F.S.G. Silva, C. Sousa and A. Toom. Variable-length analog of Stavskaya process: A new example of misleading simulation. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2017, v. 58, p. 053304.                                                                                                                                                         
  12.  N. Georgeou, D. Khoshnevisan, K. Kim and A. Ramos.The dimension of the range of a transient random walk. Eletronic Journal of Probability, 2018, v. 23, p. 1-31.

   13.   A. D. Ramos, C. S. Sousa, P. M. Rodriguez and P. Cadavid.  An Improved Lower Bound For the          Critical Parameter of the Stavskaya's Process. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2020

   14.   L. T. Costa and A. D. Ramos. Dynamic Aspects of the Flip-Annihilation Process. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 61, 053301, 2020.

   15.   A. D. Ramos and C. D. B. da Silva. Locality of the interaction affects dynamics in probabilistic cellular automata. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 63, 063304, 2022.

   16.   L. T. Costa and A. D. Ramos. Totally Asymmetric Coalescence Process. Markov Processes and Related Fields.Vol. 29, Issue 1, pp. 67-97, 2023.


A. Toom; A. D. Ramos; A. V. Rocha and A. B. Simas. Random Processes with Variable Length. IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 28 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matemática, 2011.

My PhD thesis

 Processos de Partículas com Comprimento Variável. Defended on May 31, 2007 at CCEN/UFPE. Advisor: André Toom.